Every neighborhood, whether it's located in the best part of town or across the tracks has one very important thing in common: they all have the one neighbor that you wish you could club upside the head, throw in the back of your trunk, and dump a hundred miles into the woods all while giggling hysterically and promising yourself that this time would be different, this time he wouldn't find his way back.
You know who I'm talking about. Its' the person that steals your newspaper, lets his dog walk on your freshly mowed lawn, blasts their music at all hours of the night, steals your parking spot, leaves their alarm clock blasting twenty-four seven and just annoys the living hell out of you.
What if I told you that this person really wasn't so bad once you got to know him and that by the time I'm done spinning you a tale that not only will you find all of his quirks endearing, but that you'll fall head over heels in love with him? What would you say then? Don't believe me?
Well, I guess there's only one way to find out. Check out my Neighbor From Hell series and see for yourself :)
Done with being the world's biggest pushover, Haley decides that things are going to change starting with the aggravating neighbor who has too much charm and not enough restraint. What she didn't expect was to sucked into his world, but Haley has a game plan and she won't let herself forget just what the bad boy next door is capable of.
The last thing Jason expected was for his little shy neighbor to go Rambo on him over some ruined flowers. After he decides to take her under his wing he can't help but that notice that she fits very nicely in his life. Now the only left is to convince her that this is anything but a game.
Now available for $0.99 at Amazon.com, Barnesandnoble.com or check it out for free at Smashwords.com

Like most Bradfords, Trevor has a soft spot for food, but that's about all. He leads a pretty straightforward life and likes to keep things simple and that includes his relationships. He wants the perfect woman and knows exactly what she'll be like. So when he discovers much to his horror that he's thinking about his frumpy little neighbor he decides the best way to get his head straight is by working her out of his system. He'll keep her around, but only until he finds perfection.
Available for $0.99 at Amazon.com, Banresandnoble.com and Smashwords.com