Saturday, October 29, 2011

How this addict has her hot cocoa.....

Obviously I'm killing time here. I'm waiting for my kids to go to bed so that I can watch Insidious. Never seen it before, but the trailer looked promising. Of course knowing how much of a wimp I am I can just imagine the sleepless night ahead of me, but that's neither here nor there. We're here to discuss my perfect cup of cocoa.

Sadly, I'm not kidding. I don't drink coffee or tea during the winter or anytime for that matter. For me it's all about the hot cocoa. Admittedly I am a hot cocoa snob. I won't get it from just anywhere and I don't do packets of hot cocoa dumped into a cup with hot water, or worse lukewarm water. That's just not going to cut it for me.

Yes, I have a whole process for my perfect cup of hot cocoa and my kids laugh at me, but do I care? No, no I don't. I take my hot cocoa seriously, too seriously some might say. Yet, those are the same people that come running, shoving their coffee mugs at me when they hear my tea kettle whistle.

Alright, let's get down to business. My kids aren't showing any signs of going to bed yet (damn late afternoon naps) so I have a few minutes to kill and entertain you with my little obsession. Yes, you may feel free to make fun of me for this, but try it on a cold day and you'll be a hot cocoa convert.

What you'll need:

Tea kettle, or some way to boil water. You want it really hot, trust me.
A canister of cocoa mix, I prefer the cheap store brand for several reasons, taste, low fat content.
Milk, cream, half and half whatever you prefer.
Several spoons.
If you're a daring sort, a square of chocolate.

Alright, start the kettle and pick out your mug. As you can see I go for the extra large mug, I am an addict after all. For a small mug add several large spoonfuls of cocoa powder, don't be cheap.

Next, add a tablespoon of milk, cream or whatever you prefer. Mix it, you want a pasty cream. If it doesn't have a slightly creamy look to it add just a touch of milk.

Next is the fluff. Add a generous spoonful. Sadly during the making of this blog I ran out of my precious fluff. I'll get more tomorrow, no worries. Alright, now mix, or I guess cream together the fluff with the cocoa cream.

 Now, for those of you with a daring soul, find a square of chocolate and break it up and toss it in the cup. This is one of the reasons why you want the water boiling. Fill your cup up with hot(boiling) water and mix.

Let it cool off for a few minutes before drinking.

I have been known to toss in a spoonful of flavored powdered coffee mate in with the cocoa powder and a touch of vanilla from time to time.

Alright, my kids are going to bed and I've given you more than enough to tease me about for one night. Enjoy and if you discover a variation to this recipe that you like, by all means share. Have a good night, everyone ; p

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