Sunday, February 19, 2012

Probably should mention....

The leads for the new Neighbor from Hell book are actually Connor O'Neil and Rory James. The name Shia wasn't working because of the name confusion so things were changed around. The name Connor is more fitting for this character anyway, trust me. The book is coming along rather nicely so I'm hoping to have it out soon.


FYI, the Bradfords just might make an appearance in this book :)


  1. Love all of ur books, especially neighbors from hell series

  2. Love the NFH series and cant wait for the next book. Yay,return of the Bradfords!!!

  3. I vote for Connor. I love this name. YAY! :D

  4. Hey there! Just wanted to drop by and tell you how much I have enjoyed reading your fabulous stories over the past couple of weeks!! I got the recommendation from Maryse's blog about your NFH series and I just devoured them in a few days. Then I just had to read Tall Dark and Lonely and man I fell hard for that Handsome Pyte ;). Please keep up the great work! You. Are. Amazing!

  5. Can't wait till this book comes out! just finished the other books from NFH and the Pyte also...Hope there is a follow up book for Josh and Jill from the Sentinel/Pyte books.... i would love to know what happens there.

  6. Do you have any idea when the next Neighbors from Hell will be ready? I check your sight a few times each day!

  7. Yikes, no need. It won't be done for a month at least, but if it's sooner the best way to find out is to "Like" my Facebook page. That's where I list everything.

  8. Love your books! Found them on my nook and have read both of the Neighbors from Hell and the Pyte story. Wonderful books! Can't wait for the next one!!

  9. Hiya, I literally am obsessed with your books and spend all my pocket money on them. I can't wait for your new N.F.H book :)

  10. I love your books! ALL the different series are wonderful! The NFH were really funny, some bits made me laugh out loud, and that's hard to do! I found my self reading all your books with a smile on my face because I was ENJOYING them so much!
    You're an amazing inspiration, how do you juggle all the things you do?!

    Thank you for writing these books and PLEASE don't stop!!!!

  11. Loving the NFH series. Please, please hurry with next one, I'm having withdrawls!!!!

  12. LOl, I'm going as fast I can! But, I think the new Pyte book will be released first. Sorry :)

  13. All I have too say is I have never laughed zoo hard reading a book before. I so love these series. I am so liokung for the thied book and it would be so nice if the Bradfords would make an appearance. I feel in love with them all. Hurry hurry hurry.

  14. I read the first two books in the series in two days. When will I get to read the third?! I can't wait! I love those Bradford boys!
